Estate Property Administration - Registrar General's Department


  • (i) Estate Administration

    (ii) Trust Administration

    (iii) Payment of Death Gratuity and Commuted Pension Under CAP 30

  • Procedures involved in the Administration of Estate Covers

    (i) Administrator – General been appointed by a Testator/Testatrix

    (ii) An order of the court to Administer, distribute and being receiver manager of the of a deseaced person

    (iii) Probate obtained where deceased died intestate

    (iv) Letters of Administration where the deceased died intestate

    (v)Presently, we are administering about 20 percent of the estates, most of which are by court order.

  • Trust Administration

    Covers creating a Trust Account for Minors in a deceased Estate where a substantial amount from an Estate is deducted and invested in treasury bills and interest used in their training until they attain the age of majority and the principal released to them

    Interest is redeemed every three(3) months.

  • Payment of Death Gratuity and Commuted Person

    Beneficiaries call with letters from the administrator, affidavits of both applicants, and heads of family.

    Also required are a letter of introduction from the deceased's last place of work, two (2) passport-size pictures, valid ID cards, and a pay slip from the Accountant-General's Department.

    For the 1st quarter of this year 2018, that is January to March, 98 families have called our office for and about GHC12,194,432.00.